Witch Tips

Taurus Season: In Friendship & Kombucha

The 2nd House        Each astrological sign has a house, and Taurus governs the 2nd. The 2nd House rules our Possessions. Meaning, basically anything material like our home...

Taurus Season: In Friendship & Kombucha

The 2nd House        Each astrological sign has a house, and Taurus governs the 2nd. The 2nd House rules our Possessions. Meaning, basically anything material like our home...

Uranus in Taurus: Part 2

Part 2 of Taurus in Uranus, the wild transit that is to blame for all of this uncertainty and unpredictability right now.

Uranus in Taurus: Part 2

Part 2 of Taurus in Uranus, the wild transit that is to blame for all of this uncertainty and unpredictability right now.