May 2022 Tarotscopes

May Tarotscopes - 2022

Aries - The 7 of Wands - Upright 

Dear Aries, you have heard the phrase ‘the bridges you burn light the way’ and that is true for you this month. You have been in the thick of evaluating your relationships both past and present. So who have you decided are worthy enough to join you across the bridge before you burn it down? Your time of disillusionment, when it comes to your relationships, is over and in this awakening you have realized that some relationships took advantage of your gracious nature. Many want to befriend the leader only to steal their tactics to lead their own troops and this is the lesson you have found under your secret surveillance. Distance yourself from relationships that mirror your past not your future. Better yet, just do it the old-fashioned Aries way and Block and Delete as you watch your bridge of No Return burn! 

Taurus - Knight of Wands - Reversed 

Dear Taurus, it is your season and you are celebrating in pure Taurus fashion and that is relaxing and enjoying the good life. With unpredictable Uranus in your sign you have been Through It! You just want stability, not more forward chaotic action. You had that in Aries Season. So catch up on your Netflix and leave the To-Do list for next month. It is time to enjoy the luxury that is YOU so make that charcuterie board and hit snooze on your alarm 20 times. Who cares? You are living your best life NOW!

Gemini - 5 of Pentacles - Reversed 

Dear Gemini, hard times are coming to an end as you prepare for your Season to take off later in the month. Yes, we cannot forget that Mercury is going Retro this month in your sign. It may damper your birthday festivities for a bit, but double check to make sure that birthday reservation is set for the right time, date and everyone you want to invite got the Memo! Otherwise your season is going to be fabulous, so move through the slow stop of the first few weeks of May first, before eating your birthday cake! Also, make sure to watch for hidden expenses that could arise with all the distractions going on. You don’t want to trip on any loose change as your groovin’ on the dance floor. 

Cancer - The 7 of Swords - Upright 

Dear Cancer, your intuition is heighten as you discern between all the energy circulating around you now that normalcy is making a comeback. If you have had your doubts or suspicions on someone or a collective few, your 6th sense may prove your intuitive hunches correct. It may all still be shocking, but your psychic senses are your protection mechanism and you saw this coming. Even if at times, you doubted yourself, the truth will be revealed to you and this will be your opportunity to choose how to proceed forward. Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see this month. Your armor is an invisibility cloak that shields you from folk whose intentions you know not to align with. 

Leo - 4 of Wands - Reversed 

Dear Leo, are you feeling winded? Or having creators block? This will turn around towards the end of the month once the Sun moves to Gemini, but in the meantime you may have to force yourself to sit-down to avoid making a rushed mess of things. ‘Flow Don’t Force’ should be your motto at this time. Take sometime to re-connect and re-charge your creative juices. Do what feels natural and maybe that is quite literally spending sometime with Mother Earth. Plant your bare feet in the grass and let your imagination soar with new possibilities. 

Virgo - The Moon Reversed 

Dear Virgo - the once in a lifetime Pisces Stellium hit you Hard last month! You may still be in a dreamy state of mind or mentally spiraling. You may even be confused as to which reality you are living in and then throw in Eclipse Season and you have Had Enough! It’s time for a retreat, a break away from your everyday routine and simply just escape. It does not have to be extravagant or expensive, just mindful and purposeful. Your shadow wants to be seen by You and only You right now. So do not be afraid to turn off the lights and connect inward. It’s time. 

Libra - The 3 of Swords - Reversed

Dear Libra, You came, you saw and you listened to the verbal and written messages that arrived in your life recently. These results lead you to be extra cautious, but instilled a plan of action on how to move forward. Things are not what they once were and you have to learn to adapt accordingly. Who can you trust and who can you not trust at this time? It’s a mental bummer when we have to change our perceptions about someone or something, but usually it is for our survival. Better times are ahead, but take this season to heal your wounds. 

Scorpio -  Ace of Pentacles Reversed 

Dear Scorpio, this month we have a total Lunar Eclipse in your sign and this energy is MAJOR!  You are being called to Let It ALL Go! Whatever that means for you and now in the process you get to create something new to fill that open space. However, you may feel a little daunted by this task, because you are still grieving the loss. Yet, don’t you know, that what you loss you gain back 10X? Use your step-sister sign of Taurus to re-imagine and inspire a fresh sense of abundance and worth in your life. Then by your full moon, you will be ready to internally shout out your wishes to the sky! 

Sagittarius - The Hanged Man - Upright 

Dear Sag, you don’t feel like your wild self right now, but maybe that’s a good thing? You are recharging your battery so you can have a Hot Girl Summer and make Meg proud, but you are also being more intentional of where your time and energy is going. Use this month to plan your break out moves so you can conquer this summer season. A Lot is going on internally, so instead of misfiring all your arrows, it’s best to just step away from the target and work on your form before you are totally ready to step back onto the battle field. 

Capricorn - King of Swords - Upright

Dear Cappy, you are in deep thought and contemplation about a certain situation or someone and you may be trying to quite literally wrap your head around it. Words are formless when spoken, but become tangible when written. So what is it that you need to express? Maybe you need to pick up the phone and re-connect with an old friend, or maybe it is to repair a broken relationship or speak your truth to some matter? Use the Mercury Retrograde this month to re-trace past conversations and try to do the right thing this time around. You do not want to have this situation on your mind forever, so just rip off the band-aid now and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Aquarius - Queen of Cups - Reversed 

Dear Aqua, you need to get in touch with your sensual side this month. That’s means buying yourself flowers, or a purse, or just things in general, we love things. Or it could mean taking a little vacay or spending time with a lover. You need to take care of yourself again and establish better boundaries against the grime, especially if it starts overruling your self-care routine. Reclaim your power and take back your pampering Me-Time. Also, maybe you need to reconnect and socialize with friends and I don’t mean friends from the office, but your ‘other’ friends. Entice your sensualities and enjoy the company you keep. Its time bring pleasure back into your life! 


Pisces - The Emperor - Reversed 

Dear Pisces, you have had a RUN! Last month we witnessed a resurgence of your season with a MAJOR astrological once in a life time stellium in your sign and wow it was a doozy! You are about to step into a new walk of life, but now you have to re-teach yourself how to walk again, because you have been swimming in the deep seas for so long. Don’t worry this month will be patient with you as you navigate your new surroundings and sense of self. You have changed and your wants and desires will align with this new change in time. As for now, just know that your vision is slowly coming together, so take breaks on your throne as you re-map your plan forward.

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